News and Blog

  • Monastic Community Retreat
    The monastic community is on its annual retreat from 19th to 24th August. This is a time for the monks to go deeper into prayer so that they are better able to carry out their roles in the parish and community. Jesus told His apostles, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest …
  • Br Bede to be Ordained to the Diaconate
    Brother Bede will be ordained as a deacon on Saturday 29th June 2024. The service will be in the Abbey Church and will start at 1 pm. Bishop Paul McAleenan, an auxiliary bishop of Westminster, will be presiding. The service will be available on livestream. Diaconal ordination has long been one of the stages to …
  • Easter Triduum Services 2024
    The Easter Triduum is the most important time in the Church’s year. It runs from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper to the Easter Vigil. The Triduum (‘three days’) is really one long liturgy from Thursday to Sunday. The Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and then waiting and praying on Holy Saturday receive the crowning glory …
  • We Announce that The Annunciation is Delayed
    The Annunciation celebrates Christ’s Incarnation. Every year we celebrate The Annunciation on 25th March. This year (2024), however, we don’t; instead we celebrate The Annunciation on 8th April. We also postponed The Annunciation in 2013, 2016, and 2018, and shall do so again in 2027, 2029, 2032, and 2035. In each of these years, March …
  • Brother Bede Instituted as Acolyte
    A few weeks ago, on the Feast of St Scholastica, Brother Bede was instituted as an Acolyte. As with his earlier institution as Reader, this is one of the stages on the path to the ordained ministries of Deacon and Priest. Brother Bede, if it is God’s will, will be ordained to the Diaconate later …
  • What is Forgiveness?
    A Discussion on the Meaning of Forgiveness inspired by Simon Wiesenthal’s book “The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness”  In his book The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal recounts a moral dilemma that he faced during the Second World War. The dilemma centres around ‘What is Forgiveness?’ He recounts the circumstances of the dilemma and …
  • Brother Bede Instituted as Reader
    On 6th January Abbot Dominic instituted Brother Bede as a Reader in the Church. This ceremony is part of the preparation for ordination by all priests and deacons. The institution as Reader is a short and simple ceremony but a significant one. What is a Reader? In the Catholic Church ‘Reader’ is a ministry or …
  • Ealing Abbey Christmas Services 2023
    These are the times for the services in the Abbey Church. Ealing Abbey Christmas Services 2023 are slightly different from the usual services. Since Chrismas Eve is on Sunday, the usual Sunday 7 pm Mass is replaced by a Vigil Mass at 8 pm. There is a Matins service at 11 pm, followed by carols, …
  • O Emmanuel — The O Antiphons
    The O Antiphons refers to the Magnificat antiphons at Vespers during the last week of Advent. This is the culmination of the Advent time of preparation for Christmas. Advent is divided into two unequal parts. The first part looks forward to the second coming of Christ at the end of time, whereas the second part …
  • Fr Timothy and St Barbara Protect HS2 Workers
    On 4th December, the Feast of St Barbara, Fr Timothy travelled to North Acton to bless two statues of St Barbara. The statues were then placed in tunnels. This strange-sounding behaviour is part of an ancient ritual carried out in tunnels the world over. These tunnels are part of the new HS2 (High Speed 2) …
  • New Diploma in Iconographic Techniques
    The Language of Beauty at the Service of the Church: Pilot for Diploma in Iconographic Techniques The Christian Art Studio of Ealing Abbey is pleased to announce enrolments for a diploma course in iconographic technique, starting in January 2024.  Initial enrolments: November 2023 Pilot start date: Friday 5 January 2024.   3 hour weekly class 11.30am to …
  • Community Retreat
    The monastic community is on retreat this week from Monday evening, 21st August, until Saturday morning, 26th August. This is a time when we try to step back from our usual day-to-day activities in the parish and our other works, focussing on our relationship with God. For a reflection on why monks need a time …
  • St Benedict Week Novena and Prayers
    In 1964 Pope Paul VI declared St Benedict Patron Saint of Europe, with his Feast on 11th July. Traditionally, this is the date he was born. Pope Paul VI noted that St Benedict started a movement that had a profound effect on the Christianisation of Europe. Ealing Abbey and its parish are both dedicated to …
  • Cardinal Sako Celebrates Mass at Ealing Abbey
    All images on the page are copyright the Catholic Church of England and Wales. On Sunday 18th June His Beatitude Cardinal Archbishop Louis Sako, the Patriarch of Baghdad, celebrated Mass at Ealing Abbey. The Mass was part of a 10-day visit to the UK by the patriarch, organised by Fellowship and Aid to the Christians …
  • Liturgies in the Abbey over the Easter Triduum
    The Easter Triduum, from the evening of Maundy Thursday until Vespers of Easter Sunday, is the most important time in the Christian calendar. From the commemoration of the Last Supper until the Resurrection the liturgy follows the Passion, death and Resurrection of Christ. On Maundy Thursday we join the apostles in the Upper Room for …
  • How Many Days are there in Lent?
    How many days are there in Lent? We all know that – it’s 40. Or is it? Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. There are four days before the First Sunday of Lent, then six weeks of Lent. That gives 46 days, not 40. But Sundays don’t count, so if we take off the six Sundays, …
  • New Drop-in Prayer Sessions
    There are drop-in prayer sessions at the Benedictine Study Centre, 74 Castlebar Road, every weekday morning. These sessions, led by a monk of Ealing Abbey, are a chance to experience some aspects of Benedictine prayer. There are three separate parts each day; come for any one, two, or all three. Monks have been immersed in …
  • Christmas Services in the Abbey Church
    At Christmas, even the monastic routine changes a little. Here are the Mass and other prayer times in the Abbey Church for the Christmas period. Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve) 6:30 am Matins 7:00 Mass 7:35 Lauds 9:15 Monastic Conventual Mass 3:00 pm Blessing of the Crib 6:00 Vespers 8:00 First Mass of Christmas 11:00 …
  • One Day is as a Thousand Years
    Towards the end of September I put a message on this website saying it would be offline for a few days. It is now Christmas and the website is only just back online. In Psalm 89 we pray, ‘To your eyes a thousand years are like yesterday, come and gone, no more than a watch …
  • Renewal of Vows
    The monks of Ealing Abbey renewed their vows at the Monastic Conventual Mass at 9.15 on Saturday 27th August. This ceremony is the culmination of the Community Retreat, which ran from Monday 22nd August to Saturday 27th August. Each year the monks have a community retreat and renew their commitment to the service of God. …
  • Monastic Community Retreat
    22nd-27th August 2022 Why do monks need to go on retreat? Surely their whole life is one of prayer? The purpose of the monastic life is to search for God. When a Novice or Junior monk applies to make temporary or solemn profession, the letter to the Abbot states, ‘I … desiring to seek God …
  • Welcome to Three New Convents Joining the English Benedictine Congregation
    At the General Chapter of the English Benedictine Congregation we welcomed three communities of nuns into the EBC. This more than doubles the number of convents of nuns in the English Benedictine Congregation and also increases our global reach, all three houses being located overseas. General Chapter ran from 11th – 21st July, at Buckfast …
  • We’re Changing!
    The Ealing Abbey website is being updated.
  • Faith Seeking Understanding
    New prayerful reflections on the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Praying with the Bible: Lectio Divina
    Benedictine Institute Ealing Abbey New groups beginning after Easter 2022 Meeting together monthly  Led by a member of the monastic community  For many people an occasional or regular shared prayerful reading of the sacred scriptures is helpful. For the insights of others may bring light and life. The group must be small enough and harmonious …