To Prefer Nothing to Christ

To Prefer Nothing to Christ: The Monastic Mission of the do913 to prefer nothing to christ_370_296_151020041128English Benedictine Congregation, a booklet which the English Benedictine Congregation

To Prefer Nothing to Christ

is a statement of the charism and essence of the English Benedictine Congregation published by CTS in 2015

Format: A5 Book

Dimensions: 148mm by 205mm

ISBN : 9781784690922

Number of Pages: 96

Like every Christian way of life, the monastic life involves a continual return to the Gospel and this exploration begins on the road to Emmaus, in the company of downhearted disciples who were astonished to discover the Lord in their midst. In this thought-provoking book, monks and nuns open up the Rule of St Benedict and explore how to live the English Benedictine Congregation’s monastic mission today. It invites each monastery and each monk or nun to a renewed encounter with the Lord on the road. Under the impulse of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Church, a group of English Benedictine monks and nuns have written a substantial theological foundation for their way of life. It will inspire all clergy, religious and lay people who value the consecrated life.

‘Monasticism can constitute for all the forms of religious life and consecrated life a remembrance of what is essential and has primacy in the life of every baptized person: to seek Christ and put nothing before his love’ (Pope Benedict XVI).

Ealing Abbey 5 February 2018