Statement by Abbot Dominic Taylor OSB in Response to the IICSA Final Report

On Thursday 20th October The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published its final report following the investigation which endured for seven years.

The widespread nature of child abuse is alarming as is set out very clearly within the report and I can give our Parish members complete assurances that Child Safeguarding is absolutely paramount within the Community and our Parish Life.

The recommendations within the Report were anticipated by the Community and we have already implemented a series of Safeguarding initiatives in line with the recommendations of the Panel.

Child Safeguarding remains an absolute priority of both the Monastic Community and the Parish and will ever remain so.

Finally, I express again my unconditional and sincere apology to the victims of abuse at St Benedicts and you will remain in our daily prayers in the hope that you may achieve recovery from the evil acts inflicted upon you.