Abbey Church

Abbey Church

After having been closed owing to coronavirus, the Abbey Church is now again fully open for Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, and private worship.

Ealing Abbey Church is a beautiful and functional home for the people and liturgy of the local Catholic community in Ealing.

We hope to be able to answer your questions concerning the history,
and future plans
of the Abbey Church.

Please go to the contact page

We are working hard to make the church more beautiful as we work to finish the Abbey buildings. Decent replacements for the carpeting around the principal altar and the tabernacle have been completed (March 2014). The next project is to replace the old sound system. Later, some corbelling (stonework finishing) in the Blessed Sacrament chapel is another of our immediate plans. We have ideas in the community for making the church even more worthy of the worship of God.

With your help we want to look forward together to the consecration of the church building in the next few years.


Architects who have worked on Ealing Abbey Church include
F & E Walters – 1897, who designed the nave
Stanley Kerr Bates – 1960, who designed the transepts
Sir William Whitfield – 1997, who designed the  choir, new chapel, baptistery and sacristy.


The Administration of the church is undertaken by the Trust Office

In the main body of the church

The church has several notable chapels and features
The Baptismal font and the Icon of the Baptism of Christ by Steven Nemethy (d 2005) on the adjacent wall.
Beginning from the entrance to the church on the left
Our Lady of Częstochowa
St Jude
St Térèse of Lisieux

Beginning from the parish entrance
St Boniface of Credition (Benedictine missionary from Devon to the Saxon people on the Continent)
SS Joachim and Anna, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady Mother of the Church
The Sacred Heart

This page is in development

We are grateful for IT Information Technology support (Web hosting agency, Web design adviser): to WebPress Creative Overland Park, KS

We are grateful for Consultancy to S3 Consulting, North Virginia

© Ealing Abbey, copyright 17 March 2014

Abbey Church history

Abbey Church History – Early times: On 3rd November 1896 Cardinal Vaughan transferred the parish of Ealing into the hands of Abbot Edmund Ford, having first offered this mission to them back in 1895, when the foundation stone for Westminster Cathedral was laid. At that time the Benedictines had been ministering to local Catholics from …

Abbey organ

Ealing Abbey organ 1935: John Compton was particularly proud of the instrument in the Priory Church of  the then St Benedict’s Priory. The organ was unfortunately destroyed by a bomb on 7 October 1940. 1974 Rushworth and Dreaper built a new instrument on neo-classical lines, 2 manuals, 26 speaking stops New Chapel pipe instrument: Matthew Copley, 1980, installed Summer 2012 The main …